jueves, 13 de junio de 2019


maybe is time to you to know
because you must know how difficult still is to write about you
and you must know how even more difficult is not to write about you
write this kind of things that could never been even close to your space

and you also should know how much I miss you
how much I miss that space
that beautiful space that surround you while I miss you
while I'm here, out of any space
writing about you

who I still miss everytime that I write about anything
for you or for the other ones that I named after you
I remember one day I decided not to name you anymore
I started to call you just Darling
but it was unuseful 
and I finally lost my own memories fighting you
I couldn`t never lose you
I just lost my self

and now
with no memories in my pockets
I still remember you
your name
just yours
always yours
your space..

but don`t worry
I`m far, far away from you
I`m in a far away blues
in a far away crossroad`
where the lonely ones comes to find the devil
and die later with eyes closed
a poem
and a broken bleeding heart

and here is where I'll stay forever
or maybe not
who knows
maybe I`m just a poor guy who lost his mind
or maybe is just that I still in love with you
who knows...


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